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Illinois Vaccine Awareness Coalition
13/26 - 2/9 Whole Body Temple/Detoxification - Gary Tunsky ND
911truthncDotOrg on Nov 7, 2009
This is a presentation in Raleigh NC, May 2006 featuring April Renee, Dr. John Martin, Dr. Gary Tunsky, Attorney Allan Phillips.
April Renee's - A Vaccination Victim's Testimonial & Research
April 's daughter died from complications after receiving a vaccination. She reveals her findings after doing intense research on vaccinations.
W. John Martin, M.D., Ph.D. - Vaccination Science has done intense research on the science of vaccinations. In this presentation he warns people about the danger they present themselves and their children when taking vaccinations.
Gary Tunsky, ND - Whole Body Temple/Detoxification
Are Years of Built-Up Toxins Wreaking Havoc On Your Health? If So, Whole Body Detoxification Is Vital To Maintain Or Rejuvenate Your Health
Alan G. Phillips, JD
An Introduction to the Contradictions Between Medical Science and Immunization Policy
"EMERGING VIRUSES: AIDS & EBOLA: Nature, Accident or Intentional"
by Leonard G. Horowitz
Tetrahedron Inc. Rockport, MA 1996.
"Today, all of the major neurological diseases including autism, Alzheimer's disease, ALS, MS and Parkinson's do not have a known etiology. They represent the major failure of today's research institutions. They are modern man diseases and do not seem to be directly genetically inherited but to be caused by some unidentified, toxicant exposure. All attempts to look at heavy metal exposures, especially mercury exposure, as being involved in the etiology or exacerbation of these diseases is rigorously fought against by certain components of our government regulatory agencies in spite of both biological and epidemiological research implicating mercury as a major suspect for involvement."
Dr. Boyd Haley
Are Years of Built-Up Toxins Wreaking Havoc On Your Health? If So, Whole Body Detoxification Is Vital To Maintain Or Rejuvenate Your Health
By Greg Ciola & Gary Tunsky, ND
Did you know that one of the primary causes of disease is the slow accumulation of toxic compounds in the body, coupled with nutrient deficiencies at the cellular level? In laymans terms, when you retain more toxins in your body than you can effectively eliminate through your liver, kidneys, colon, lymphatic system, lungs or skin, they will eventually end up storing in cells, tissues, organs, joints, and bones and wreak havoc on your health. Most disease is really nothing more than an attempt on the weak part of the body to rid itself of these toxins through one of the bodys elimination routes.
Toxins always settle where the cells are weakest and where they are unable to discard what they do not need. When cell membranes become coated with accumulated waste matter, cells cannot breathe properly and this can eventually lead to oxygen deprivation, nutrient starvation, cell asphyxiation, and then to cell death.
Proper elimination of all toxins and metabolic waste from the body while supplying your cells the nutrients needed for healthy replication and survival is one of the major solutions to the sick care industry. Most of us are overfed but under nourished. We eat non-food foods, drink lifeless contaminated drinks, consume empty calories and fill our bodies at almost every meal with hydrogenated fats, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, pesticides, herbicides, emulsifiers, stabilizers and a list of other poisonous substances. From morning till night people are ingesting whatever they feel like, whenever they feel like having it.
Because no one dies on the first cigarette, shot of whiskey, French fry, potato chip, soda, cookie, fried chicken dinner or microwave dinner, no one associates their stomach/digestive problems, headaches, skin rashes, nausea, fatigue, heart disease, high blood pressure, and pre-mature aging to the decades of abuse from what they ate, drank, breathed or smoked. Then we think we can take a pill when we get sick from this routine, totally oblivious to the drug side effects.
Category: Education